Why go to church?

Some people could not imagine life without regular participation in a faith community.  Others think that being a spiritual person is enough.  Still others are just not sure about what they should and should not do.  If you have questions, here are some of the reasons we think being a part of a faith community is important.  If you have more questions, we’d love to hear them.  Please join us on a Sunday morning or contact us at churchoffice@palmyramethodist.com or (434) 589-1700.

  • Life is to be lived in community.  We know that we all, to varying degrees, need other people.  We need other people to share in our lives.  A faith community is where we share about our faith.  Sometimes we teach about our faith.  Sometimes we learn.  In a community there are people who depend on each other.  Others need you to help them grow, and you need others to help you grow. 
  • God is there.  Yes, God is everywhere, but we know that God is uniquely present when God’s people gather to worship.  I also believe that there are certain times when God has promised to be present – Communion/Lord’s Supper and Baptism.  These are times when God is uniquely present to offer those of us present God’s grace.
  • Learning is a group process.  We learn best when we learn with others and from others.  By spending time in a faith community, there is an opportunity to learn and grow.  We can learn from others around us, including the pastor, as well as teaching others from our personal knowledge and experience.  When we stop learning, we stop developing as people.  When we stop developing, then we start dying.  Being in church is a chance to learn and grow.
  • Personal Empowerment.  A friend told me that she goes to church to get “filled-up”.  When we worship God, then God can work more fully within us.  We can have an experience of mystery and spirituality that does not exist in most of our lives.  These spiritual experiences can change us – help us find direction and meaning for our lives.
  • Spiritual experiences and discussions.  There are very few times and places when we are able to share about spiritual things.  When we have a mysterious, spiritual experience, we don’t have the words or an audience to share the experience.  The church is based on these types of experiences.  The church is where the spiritual is experienced, talked about, and encouraged.
It is our hope that everyone becomes a Christian, but belief is not a requirement for coming to church.  Being a part of a faith community means that you are a spiritual being looking for ways to learn and grow in your spiritual experiences.  If you would like to know more contact us at churchoffice@palmyramethodist.com or call 434-589-1700.